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Jul 20, 2022

Chronic Foot Pain & When To Have Your Foot Examined

An active lifestyle can be severely disrupted by foot pain. There are several causes of foot pain, including fractures and sprains, nerve damage, and more. Forefoot pain can be caused by any of two things: overuse or injury.

The ball of the foot hurts

If you're experiencing pain in the ball of your foot behind your toes, you may have a nerve or joint injury. A benign (noncancerous) growth like Morton's neuroma can also be a source of discomfort. Pain may be relieved by corticosteroid injections and supportive inserts in the shoes worn. Surgery is sometimes necessary.

Plantar fasciitis

A common symptom of plantar fasciitis is a considerable discomfort in the heel of the foot, particularly after a period of rest. Fascia, a tough band of fibrous tissue that binds the heel bone to the base of one's toe and is prone to overuse injury, is inflamed by this overuse injury.

Men and women, overweight, those who work in jobs that demand a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces, and those with flat feet and high arches are more likely to develop plantar fasciitis. If you're a runner or a walker, tight calf muscles may be blamed.

Foot pain: Things you need to know

  • Complex anatomical structures, such as the foot, can be damaged by disease in the body or the foot.
  • Medical attention should be sought when discomfort from a foot injury interferes with your ability to carry out your daily routines.
  • The foot has bone and joint, muscle/tendon, ligament, blood vessels, skin, nerve, and soft tissue structures. Foot pain can be caused by a disease of any of these structures in the foot.
  • The treatment of foot pain will vary depending on the cause of the pain and may include medication, strengthening and stretching, physical therapy, immobilization, and surgery.

My foot hurts, but I don't know why

Foot discomfort may be caused by diseases, deformities, biomechanical abnormalities, poor footwear, or traumas.

  • Infectious disorders, viruses, fungus, and bacteria can cause foot pain. Inflammation and pain can result from plantar warts on the bottom of the foot. Pain and irritation can result from a fungal infection known as an athlete's foot. An ingrown toenail is a typical cause of foot pain. It's common for ingrown toenails to cause discomfort and disease when the nail's edge grows into the skin. Patients with diabetes have a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to infection.
  • Foot discomfort can be caused by various systemic disorders, including diabetes, lupus, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. Painful inflammation in the joints of the foot can result from rheumatoid arthritis, which can lead to foot abnormalities.
  • Toe deformities, including claw toes, bunions, mallet toes, and bone spurs, are among the most common causes of foot pain.
  • Unbalanced muscles, foot deformities, and foot pain are frequently the result of biomechanical anomalies, such as tight or lax muscles and tendons and flat or high arched feet.
  • It is also typical for foot discomfort caused by an acute injury or accumulated repetitive harm. Achilles tendonitis or rupture are two examples of this type of injury. Tendinitis (inflammation of the tendon) is a common complication of tendon rupture, which occurs when the tendon is repeatedly damaged. Minor recurrent traumas or pressures can potentially cause injuries to the skin and interior systems. Running on uneven or overly hard or soft surfaces or using shoes with poor force absorption capabilities, not activity-specific, or fitting poorly can result in micro-trauma injuries.
  • High heels and tight shoes can cause discomfort in the forefoot. It is possible to injure the top of the foot by overtightening the shoelaces. Running or cycling in non-sports-specific shoes might cause foot pain. It is possible to suffer from an athlete's foot in the short term due to shoes that don't fit properly. Bunions, corns, calluses, nerve, and joint pain, and misalignment of the toes can result from wearing shoes that don't work correctly. It can cause pain and numbness in the toe area and be made worse by poorly-fitting shoes like hammertoes, mallet toes, and bunions. Morton's neuroma is produced by thickening tissue around the nerve between the toes.

Consult a physician when:

It's not uncommon for even minor foot discomfort to be debilitating, at least initially. For the most part, it's okay to experiment with over-the-counter treatments.

  • Have significant swelling or pain;
  • Have a wound that is oozing pus or an open wound;
  • Have an open wound or leaking pus.
  • You can't set weight on your foot or walk;
  • You have diabetes and a wound that isn't healing or is deep, swollen, red, or warm to the touch;

There may be pain or some foot stiffness for several weeks, even with the utmost care. This is especially true in the morning or after you've been active. Make an appointment with your doctor before trying any home cures for your foot pain, especially if it is broad and involves both feet or if you have diabetes.

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